was ...
Muhammed claimed to have had a vision from "GOD", who according to him described in detail how Muhammed's duty was to commit mass-murder in order to subject the entire world to the cult that "God" proscribed. ISLAM's major proponents (Saladin, Khomeini, Bin Laden et al) have followed this command since ISLAM was founded. an ultra-narcissist
He further claimed that "God" dictated the book he was to write outlining the dogma of the cult, a book of unspeakable bile towards anyone failing to sign up to the cult. (READ THE KORAN NOW)
a fantasist?
He married a girl of 6 and shagged her at 9. a pedophile
His book contains graphic detail of how Jews are to be burned in Hell. an anti-Semite &
psychopathic torturer
He committed murder, rape and torture as he sought to carry out his "God's" commands. a murderer and rapist
Those not submitting to the cult were either killed or enslaved. a slave-owner
Women in ISLAM since Muhammed have basically been the property of men and have freedom in how to dress and behave ranging from limited to none whatsoever. an ultra-misogynist
ISLAM insists on women covering their hair and body. perverted
Members of ISLAM are allowed no freedom of speech or action. totalitarian
Homosexuality in ISLAM to this day officially carries the death penalty. an ultra-homophobe
  • ALL MUSLIMS WORSHIP THE KORAN TOTALLY. If anyone in a Muslim country criticises it they risk death, either from the authorities or from fanatical ISLAMISTS.
  • The same applies to anyone criticising Muhammed, worshipped by Muslims as "the perfect human".
  • NO COUNTRY under the full control of Muslims is democratic OR respects Human Rights as we know them.
  • NO COUNTRYwith more than 10% of the population has avoided eventual violent civil conflict and usually Muslim takeover and control - which of course means the end of democracy and basic freedoms.
  • ISLAM is fundamentally anti-democratic, but Muslims are allowed to participate if this is deemed likely to help advance ISLAM. This hypocrisy is called taqiyya.
  • Muslims generally breed faster than any indigenous population they integrate. In England this means they will become a majority within around four decades.
  • ISLAM permits first-cousin marriage, the ONLY social group in the world to do so because it is genetically dangerous for mental health.
  • ISLAM has murdered HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of innocent humans since the death of its founder, more than Genghis Khan, the Romans, the Vikings, Stalin, Mao, Hitler and Sadaam Hussein combined.
  • Muslims have regularly committed mass-murdering terrorist acts since the first Millennium, including in Europe and the USA. These have diminished in those continents in the past few years since fanatics have realized they are counter-productive to their aim of taking them over as commanded by their "Prophet".
Despite all the above (which means that ISLAM is contrary to all the norms of Western Civilisation, and arguably of ANY civilisation worth the name), ISLAM is permitted to run "faith schools" in the UK where Muslim children are segrated from indigenous children and basically taught the vile creed of the Koran.
Equally stupefying is that the Labouring Party fawns to ISLAM and depends on it for millions of votes, while multiple English cities have Muslim Mayors.

Even MORE horrifying is that anyone making the above comments is likely to be prosecuted for "racism" (even though ISLAM is not a race) or a hate-crime. Thus it is that George Orwell's predictions in "1984" have truly come to pass.

Just a few of the innumerable MUSLIM massacres in history totalling at LEAST 280,000,000 humans.

In 627 AD The Islamic Prophet Muhammad and his Muslim army massacred an entire Jewish tribe known as Banu Qurayza where all the men who didn’t convert to Islam were beheaded and the women and children were enslaved.

In 1398 the Islamic Timurid Empire killed 20 Million people or 5% of the world population at the time while Amir Timur was known for making towers out of human skulls.

In 1894 the Islamic Ottoman Empire committed genocide on the Christian Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians. The Islamic Ottoman Empire caused the Famine on Mount Lebanon that was inhabited by Druze and Christians killing about half of the population.

According to Fondapol, a French think tank, between 1979 and May 2021, at least 48,035 Islamist terrorist attacks took place worldwide, causing the deaths of at least 210,138 people.

The Arab Slave Trade has been described as a “veiled genocide” because it commonly castrated male slaves preventing them from ever reproducing.