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TITLE | COMMENT | ||||||
April 2020 |
Suicide bombings are allowed by Sharia Law | |||||||
A former Muslim tells the Truth about ISLAM | ||||||||
Demographics predict the END OF BRITAIN as we know it | ||||||||
March 2020 |
It's OK to beat your wife if she doesn't fulfil her responsiblities - as long as you do it "lightly". | ||||||||
Palestinian terrorist who murdered 8 Jewish children says Allah helped her slaughter Jews |
Jan 2020 |
Pat Condell on ISLAMOPHOBIA | |||||||
2019 |
Slavery has been at the heart of ISLAM since Muhammed's time | |||||||
HALAL again, with kids there to enjoy the spectacle | ||||||||
Britain being taken over? | ||||||||
The offending armband | ||||||||
Just another Muslim Child Bride Murder | ||||||||
two more ranting Muslims: ONE TWO | ||||||||
Muslim "Faith" Schools - another example of the hatred they reach | ||||||||
April 2019 |
A "moderate" Muslim woman gloating over the Sri Lanka massacres | |||||||
Feb 2019 |
"British" Muslims exlain why Valentine's Day is haram (non-ISLAMIC and BAD) | |||||||
Jan 2019 |
UK "Faith School" teaches kids to HATE us .... | |||||||
October 2018 | The Utter Barbarity of Halal | |||||||
child brides in ISLAM | ||||||||
April 2018 | Undercover in St Regent's Park mosque - more bile and hatred from imams and others | |||||||
autumn 2017 |
Child slits animal's throat | |||||||
ISLAMISTS slit camel's throat in public BF CENSORED/REMOVED) | ||||||||
What goes on in Islamic "faith schools" BF CENSORED/REMOVED) | ||||||||
August 2017 |
The true horror of what awaits Europe REMOVED BY YOUTUBE CENSORED/REMOVED) | |||||||
May 2017 |
Bill Maher on ISLAM | |||||||
IMAM explains why it is OK for Muslims to marry children BF TAKEN OFFLINE CENSORED/REMOVED) | ||||||||
INDONESIA is rapidly becoming an extremist ISLAMIC state. Here a woman is beaten until she collapses, a Sharia Law punishment, the same law that Mrs May said we could learn a lot from. "Moderate" Muslims look on and take photos. (CENSORED/REMOVED) | ||||||||
MISCELLANEOUS VIDEOS, many where Muslims take over city streets to march in demand of their "rights" and/or beat their chests, or claim that "ISLAM will dominate the world."..... ALL SICKENING, and HAPPENING IN THE UK:
April 2017 |
Muslim raped 2 Year old girl because family refused to embrace Islam CENSORED/REMOVED) | |||||||
Jan 2017 |
More Swedish Muslim "no-go" zones (CCENSORED/REMOVED) | |||||||
Sept. 2016 |
55 Muslim no-go gang-controlled areas in Sweden (CENSORED/REMOVED) | |||||||
This is Birmingham Airport, believe it or not CENSORED/REMOVED) | ||||||||
Muslims self-mutilate in Luton on public streets - the police ignore them (CENSORED/REMOVED) | ||||||||
August 2016 |
MUSLIMS throwing homosexuals from a rooftop (Muhammed TOLD them to, and they all ADORE him as "the perfect human") (CENSORED/REMOVED)D) | |||||||
June 2016 |
Muslims marching through Blackburn, England BF | (CENSORED/RCENSORED/REMOVED) | ||||||
Muslim migrants praying for victory in Europe | ||||||||
Muslim Chest-beating in Preston BF | ||||||||
Musims take over Dewsbury BF | ||||||||
The way Muslims treat animals, almost as bad as they treat women .... | ||||||||
What really happened in Marseille on June 11th | ||||||||
Muslims sexually assaulting young boys | ||||||||
Mass Muslim indoctrination in a Birmingham Park | ||||||||
Muslims ranting in Leeds - MORE Muslims chest-beating in a London street | ||||||||
Muslims pray in Birmingham street | ||||||||
Muslims call for Sharia on the streets of London | ||||||||
Muslim chest-beating BF | (CENSORED/REMOVED) | |||||||
Muslims pray in Tesco's car park | What mentality gives people the right to block by praying public areas in ANOTHER COUNTRY? CENSORED/REMOVED)D) | |||||||
More street thuggery | No, not all are like this, but a lot ARE, their attitude towards women is depraved.CENSORED/REMOVED) | |||||||
vile Muslims aggressions | CENSORED/REMOVED) | |||||||
Mar 2016 |
The End is Nigh? | Why ISLAM will disappear within a few years (we can only hope!) | ||||||
Feb 2016 |
The TRUTH about Mohammed | What Muslims prefer you not to know; what THEY prefer not to think about - the horror that was Muhammed ... | ||||||
A Wise Arab ....... | .... talks about ISLAM and individualism. | |||||||
Another vile Imam | This one's preaching rape and murder in the USA. (CENSORED/REMOVED) | |||||||
Jan 2016 |
"Moderate Muslims" | Why "moderate Musims" are completely irrelevant. | ||||||
An account from an "aspostate" | An ex-Muslim tells the truth about the cult of Islam (LOTS OF SWEARING!) | |||||||
A personal account from Germany | A German girl talks about her experience with migrants. | |||||||
October 2015 |
Apocalypse soon BF | Civil war is coming unless something is done soon. CENSORED/REMOVED) | ||||||
Sweden Update | It's getting worse, not better ..... | |||||||
National Suicide in Europe | Dealing with the Muslim Invasion - we are in the last-chance saloon. | |||||||
Just another day | An ISIS Child threatens to cut off Obama's "filthy head". | |||||||
Sonicide | A Muslim mother tried to murder her son who converted to Christianity. | |||||||
Choudary admits the truth | ||||||||
September 2015 |
The Beheading Ritual | They actually seem to be proud of their skill and bravery in decapitating victims. | ||||||
A Muslim's duty to kill Infidels | "Muslims must fight and murder Christians" KORAN says. | |||||||
Islam will Conquer Europe | Yet another lunatic Imam - or perhaps he is right! | |||||||
The Islamicization of Paris | Why is the French government ignoring this contempt for the law? Are they SCARED of Muslims? | |||||||
A Brainwashed Child | ... talks about apostates. | |||||||
A Muslim for London Mayor? | Sadiq Khan bidding for the 1,000,000 strong Muslim London vote. | |||||||
A Woman converts from Islam | A Somalian woman who left ISLAM after reading the Koran. | |||||||
August 2015 |
The Indoctrination of Children | Children as young as 8 preaching Jihad | ||||||
An Imam Hate Preacher | ||||||||
Leave Islam and DIE | A clear statement from an Imam - to leave ISLAM means the death penalty. | |||||||
A Muslim Converts to Christianity | ||||||||
Islamic Paedophiles | ||||||||
Vigilante patrols in "Muslim areas" | This is IN BRITAIN, not in Iran ..... | |||||||
Andrew Neil on the Charlie Hebdo massacre | Andrew Neil says fundamental Islam is "squalid death cult". | |||||||
US investigates ISIS gas attacks | ||||||||
Walsall Muslim "No-Go" area | Imagine a Christian "no-go" area in the Middle East! | |||||||
Muslims march in Nelson, Lancs | I wonder what they are chanting? Not "We love Britain," I'm sure ...... | |||||||
Fundamentalists' Intentions - not exactly hidden |
Various Islamic leaders, preachers and citizens state their end goal of world domination, through the means of infiltration, immigration and violent jihadist terrorism, in order to subjugate unbelievers and consolidate their power. Look for the murderer of Lee Rigby behind Anjem Choudary. |
July, 2015 |
Indoctrination in British Schools | Staggering that this is happening in Britain. | ||||||
Muslim Demography in Europe (1) | Without radical defence, it is the end of European culture - through demographics. | |||||||
Swedish Muslim crime-ridden ghettoes | ||||||||
Anti-Semitism by Muslims in Malmo, Sweden | ||||||||
Multicultural Enrichment in Malmo, Sweden | ||||||||
Muslim segregation in Malmo, Sweden | ||||||||
Sweden is the RAPE CAPITAL of Europe (Pat Condel) | ||||||||
The end of Sweden? | CENSORED/REMOVED) | |||||||
What is in the Koran? | A Muslim woman's experience in Sweden. | |||||||
Islam's mission | Anjem Choudary interprets the Koran for us. | |||||||
Sex with 9 year-old-girls is allowed in Islam | Anjem Choudary explains Islamic beliefs on the age of consent.CENSORED/REMOVED)VED) |