February 3, 2025
Ms Billington
Either you do not realize what the horrendous damage your government is doing, or you do but don’t care. In either case it is stupefying.
- The KHAN KNIGHTHOOD: You have made Sadiq Khan a Knight of the Realm, the SAME HONOUR that Churchill was awarded. The former is a racist, anti-Semitic Mayor despised by TENS OF MILLIONS of indigenous Britons as he presides like a dictator over a crime-ridden and rapidly Islamizising London. Churchill on the other hand led our country through WWII and stiffened our resolve to fight fascism - and in 2002 was voted “The Greatest Briton” in a BBC poll. This stupefying insult is symbolic of your government’s total lack of empathy with native Britons.
- GROWTH: Apparently sought by Reeves, and to achieve it she HUGELY increased taxes on business leading them to cut down on hiring, close businesses, FDI to wither and a millionaire to leave the UK every 45 minutes. SHE IS PLAIN STUPID - end of.
- The CCP (Chinese Communist Party): Then she goes swanning off with a begging bowl to the CCP, the largest dictatorship on the planet: one that is guilty of MULTIPLE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and is threatening to launch WWIII by invading peaceful, democratic Taiwan, a state to which the CCP HAS NO CLAIM. Have you NO morality? This is as bad as sucking up to Hitler would have been in 1939. ANY TRUE DEMOCRAT will HATE dictatorships and not want to trade with them at ALL, instead of which you grovel to them to help you achieve "growth". IT IS NAUSEATING.
- The CIVIL SERVICE: you continue their obscene golden-plated pensions, plan to increase their number with additional quangoes and regulation - ALL OF WHICH will harm the economy and this “growth” you laughingly claim to favour. On top of this, Working From Home is set to continue and even be lawfully and permanently regulated by Rayner. Frankly, it is surreally absurd.
- VAT ON PRIVATE EDUCATION: Rayner rejoiced in imposing this, leading to the closure of numerous schools, massive complications in an already misfunctioning state system, chaos and misery for many thousands of decent people and huge job losses in the private sector. Only TWO other countries in Europe do this and it will NOT bring in significant money. It was sheer spiteful class-hatred on your part.
- NET-ZERO: Milliband’s policies are generally accepted as being as cretinous as he is himself. What he is doing is going to lead to massive energy problems and huge extra costs - and is totally INSIGNIFICANT compared to the vast CO2 output of many other countries, especially China, which is building EVER MORE COAL-FIRED power stations. You want to set dictatorships an example? Seriously? They are justifiably laughing themselves silly at our idiocy.
- ILLEGAL MIGRANTS continue to pour in costing a HUGE amount of money, while basic infrastructure has collapsed in our country, especially the NHS and the Criminal Justice System. MOST ILLEGAL MIGRANTS ARE YOUNG MALE MUSLIMS who will go straight to existing Muslim ghettoes in preparation for their takeover. You don’t believe me? FGS READ THE HISTORY OF ISLAM. London and Birmingham are ALREADY around 30% Muslims and growing - and it is similar in many other cities. Go to Slough - once a posh town but now apparently just one more Muslim-infested shithole. May I ask what your plan is for when Muslims become the majority in our capital and elsewhere and demand self-government and Sharia Law? You do HAVE a plan, no? Or perhaps you think that will not happen - but that would be delusional.
- REGARDING ISLAM: HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT THIS VILE SECT? May I ask if you have even READ the KORAN, the CV of Muhammed and the history of ISLAM? Apart from anything else, Muslims are commanded over one hundred times in the KORAN to kill Jews - which of course explains October 7th last year. Their creed is hideously pedophile, homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynist, totalitarian and anti-democratic - AND savagely cruel to animals in a country that is supposed to pride itself on loving them. They vote because it is convenient but THEY DO NOT BELIEVE IN DEMOCRACY. NO STATE under the full control of Muslims is democratic. ALL Muslims worship Muhammed, who COMMANDED THEM TO SPREAD THEIR CULT BY ALL AND ANY MEANS - as they HAVE done by brute force (and in the case of Europe with the help of “Useful Idiots”) for 14 centuries. HOW THE HELL CAN LABOUR FAWN TO SUCH A VILE CREED? ISLAM is incompatible with civilisation and the Human Spirit. Do you have offspring? In a few decades they and/or their descendants will be forced to convert to ISLAM or be killed - unless civil war launched by the dreaded “Far Right” can prevent it. IN that civil war, WHOSE SIDE WILL YOU BE ON? HINT: The "Far Right" have killed perhaps three people in recent years (and RAPED NONE), but devout Muslims have killed TENS OF THOUSANDS - and in England alone raped many hundreds of thousands in multiple cities. "Ours are more moderate." Do you notice the "MODERATES
" in Afghanistan, ISIS and IRAN holding back the "EXTREMISTS"? I don't.
- GIVING MIGRANTS CITIZENSHIP: Not only are migrants still pouring in as most of our infrastructure collapses, but NOW you are going to make it EASIER for benefits-migrants (YES, Hardly ANY of them are “REFUGEES”) to stay in Britain and even be given British citizenship. YES, THEY WILL VOTE FOR YOU, but ONLY until they can vote ISLAM into a majority.
- YOUR ORWELLIAN POLICIES: Despite the obvious existential danger of ISLAM you want to make “ISLAMOPHOBIA” a HATE-CRIME? However, NOBODY IS GOING TO STOP TENS OF MILLIONS OF US LOATHING AND DESPISING ISLAM. You can’t lock us ALL up.
- The CRIMINAL INJUSTICE SYSTEM: Speaking of which, VILE MUSLIM RAPISTS (ignored by mostly Labour local authorities and the police for decades) have been let out of prison after serving less than HALF their jail terms. Hardly ANY are ever deported; they just go back on benefits to the communities where they abused their victims. ANYTHING TO SAY about THAT?
- THE VOTING SYSTEM: You want to allow 16-year-olds to vote? That is a CLEAR ATTEMPT to increase your voting base given the indoctrination of our once-proud education system. It is CYNICAL BEYOND BELIEF. They are CHILDREN without the knowledge and experience of the “real world” (or indeed any responsibility FOR it) to allow them to vote. In the “Free World” only Austria, Greece, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Jersey and Malta do this.
- FPTP: The voting system is in ANY case anti-democratic. You have a HUGE majority with only TWENTY-ONE PER CENT of eligible votes. In addition, postal voting is utterly fraudulent, especially in the Muslim ghettoes. Do you REALLY think that Muslim women have a free vote? SERIOUSLY? SEVENTY-NINE % OF THE PEOPLE did NOT vote for you - yet you are behaving like a dictatorship.
- “The PEOPLE’s PARTY”? You are “the Party of the People”? Yet Rayner said: “We will force councils to take their fair share of migrants.” SERIOUSLY?
1. Nobody voted for the millions of migrants you have let in. It was NOT IN ANY MANIFESTO. YOU HAVE NO MANDATE
FOR THIS, but FORCED it on us anyway.
2. Giving away one’s country to foreigners is TREASON.
3. IMPOSING policies on a people to which they have not consented is a KEY FEATURE OF DICTATORSHIP - aka Communist/ fascist: no difference. Logically therefore, the LABOUR Party is FASCIST and TRAITOROUS. Do you not realize that when
you get slung out of power the leaders responsible for this will be tried for TREASON? YES, YOU ARE GIVING OUR
COUNTRY AWAY, which is TREASON - and worst of all TO ISLAM. GO TO SAVILE TOWN in Dewsbury - DOES THAT LOOK
LIKE ENGLAND TO YOU? And there are plenty of similar AND GROWING places in our country.
- “RACISM” & “The FAR RIGHT"? Objecting to the mass invasion of our country by millions of people who DO NOT RESPECT and NEVER WILL RESPECT our culture is NOT “RACISM”, just COMMONSENSE. MANY THOUSANDS OF OUR INNOCENT CITIZENS have suffered hideous crimes at the hands of migrants, yet if we complain you accuse us of being “Far Right”. HERE’s a secret: The VAST MAJORITY of native British voters are now “Far Right” according to your definition.
- YOUR POPULARITY: Attlee, Wilson, Callaghan, Michael Foot, Dennis Skinner and others would be ashamed of what the once-proud Labour Party has become. Your government is HATED by TENS OF MILLIONS of BRITISH PEOPLE. Do you even CARE about this? Putin, Xi and Kim Yong-un do not care what their people think or want, but the British LABOUR Party?
Yours is the WORST, most DESPISED and most DANGEROUS government in our entire history. FGS do something about this utter shambles - as Rosie Duffield did when she saw the light and left.
PS The father of the sub-human who murdered those three little girls in Southport was a Rwandan believed to be guilty of Crimes Against Humanity in the Rwandan genocide. THAT FAMILY SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN HERE but was allowed in by Blair and therefore the LABOUR Party - yet you DARE to imprison those who protested about the murders. The demonization of “The Far Right” was despicable - and NOBODY is fooled any more.
PS2 Have ANY of the Cabinet EVER managed a successful business? HOW CAN THEY POSSIBLY BE QUALIFIED TO RUN A MAJOR COUNTRY? On the evidence so far, they are clearly not qualified to run a whelk stall in Peckham Market.
I wish I could be less negative, but TRUTH trumps diplomacy.
Your constituent Chris Snuggs |