What people have said about Julie

  • Dirk Bogarde said he learned a lot from Julie in terms of making the dialogue seem natural and being quick to improvise while working together on "Darling". He only had great things to say about her. Her performance certainly keeps the film afloat.

  • Chris Snuggs: "Warren Beatty? On the one hand, I'm not his biggest fan. His girlfriend was one of the most beautiful, talented and lovely women on the planet but he couldn't stop his gallivanting and be faithful to her. BUT ... on repeated occasions he NEVER talked about her or their relationship, resisting the persistent questions of the paparazzi. He was very much in the public eye (something Julie disiked), but he did his best to keep her out of it, and they remained good friends after their break-up. She said that she learned a lot from him about social conscience, and he was a major part of the inspiration for her later and increasing work on various causes."

  • Her films? It is for me impossible to imagine "Dr Zhivago" without her as Lara, nor "Far from the Madding Crowd" as Bathsheba. She was breathtakingly stunning in both.

  • Angie Green: "I have met her, she took driving lessons with my husband. I can can confirm she is a lovely, beautiful, down to earth lady. She even took the trouble to send us a Xmas card!"

  • Gerald Tomlinson: "I had the wonderful good fortune to meet Julie Christie twenty years ago in March 2003 at a reading of an anti-war Greek play here in Venice/Santa Monica California. I can assure you Ms. Christie is even more beautiful in person. Her eyes are other worldly, intense, soulful, kind, brilliant teal-colored. Very bright artist, actress and activist. She was actually also my neighbor here in Santa Monica, with her then boyfriend now husband Duncan Campbell who was the journalist assigned here for the British paper "The Guardian" from about 2000 to 2009. She loved going to the video shop down the street called Vidiots- great selection of foreign language and independent movies. She said when they left they were "going back to the country"- her farmhouse in Powys Wales. It gets quite cold there in the winters so half the year they live in their flat in Spitsfield East London. I think there is a way to look up agencies or publicists for actors etc to be able to write to them."

  • Gerard Robinson: "Even more beautiful in person, have a wonderful memory of meeting Ms. Christie at a no-on-Iraq-war anti-war play-reading back in March 2003. More gorgeous in person and very intelligent, kind, sincere and has the most intensely soulful, kind, brilliant teal eyes."

  • Omar Sharif said: "She was a typical woman in love, masochistic in a sort of way. She always seemed to be loving the wrong guy. The same with Ava Gardner and Rita Hayworth, who were friends of mine. I couldn't believe the guys they fell in love with.

    Julie Christie was very feminine, and whenever she fell in love she gave up her career. I suppose she wouldn't change it for anything. She had the real happiness of knowing love."