Mr MacKinlay                                                                                                                                                                                    23 August 2021
M.P. Thanet South

Dear Mr MacKinlay

Like millions of others I have been following the actions of your party for many months, each day of which increases my anger and disbelief at its utter incompetence and lies.

On a personal note, I have been double-Pfizer vaccinated in Japan under the official Japanese scheme, but even if I arrive at Dover with proof of that AND a PCR test done in France just before traveling you STILL require me to do TWO MORE TESTS AND 10 days quarantine. THIS IS QUITE INSANE OVERKILL. The tests are unreliable and expensive - and ABSURD for someone already vaccinated AND with a newly-done PCR test. I DON'T have the virus and do not intend to get it as I am VERY careful and never go to weddings, funerals, fitness gyms, dance classes, cinemas, pubs & bars, night clubs, sports events, concerts or whatever - but you treat us all like complete idiots. The result is that I have for the moment abandoned my attempt to get into England, my home country.

ILLEGAL MIGRANTS: I can't get home without a huge, costly and complicated endurance test, yet each month THOUSANDS OF ILLEGAL MIGRANTS rescued by our "Border Force" are assisted ashore, then housed, fed, medically treated, presumably COVID10 tested (FREE FOR THEM BUT COSTING HUNDREDS OF QUID for indigenous Brits) and looked after while their asylum cases are heard. Actually, THEY ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANY ASYLUM HEARINGS because they almost ALL came from countries where there is NO WAR and are ILLEGAL. WHAT PART OF THE WORD 'ILLEGAL' is a problem for you? Try getting into most other countries in the world simply by illegally swimming ashore and see what happens. And once here, HARDLY ANY OF THEM WILL EVER BE DEPORTED. A majority are Muslims allowed into Europe by Germany (our so-called NATO ally) and who have traveled across several countries with train fares supplied by the EU in order to get into a Britain which is rightfully seen as a soft touch. They will go as soon as possible to join their fellow cult-devotees in Muslim areas and no-go zones where our police hardly ever go and which resemble downtown Iran more than Britain - like Dewsbury below for example. We are apparently paying France MILLIONS to stop boats leaving France and yet leave they still do in their hundreds. Your incompetence in all this is so staggering as to be surreal.

The NHS: In both France AND Japan I can see my GP FACE-TO-FACE and THE SAME DAY I CALL. And there is none of this: "One complaint at a time - ten minutes and you're out." rubbish, In France my doctor takes the time he thinks he needs - up to 40 minutes once when he did a load of tests on the spot.

GPs removing themselves from face-to-face contact in the U.K. has been an ABSOLUTE DISGRACE - utterly shameful - and you have done NOTHING ABOUT IT. Thanks to your COVID shambles and the manifest problems in the NHS which you have had MORE THAN A DECADE to fix, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE have had treatment for other problems delayed - including CANCER. MANY HAVE DIED thanks to your shambolic mismanagement.

DENTISTS: Try finding an NHS dentist in Thanet. The service is a joke compared to France and Japan, of which I have direct personal experience. Have you done or are you doing anything about this? And NO, it is NOT THANKS TO BREXIT - this has been going on for YEARS before the referendum.

ZERO-CARBON: You are apparently proposing to spend countless billions to become carbon-zero by 2050. This will hugely impoverish millions of people and is UTTERLY POINTLESS when China ALONE has 1,082 coal-fired power-stations and is building THREE HUNDRED MORE in China and in other countries whose regimes it is massively bribing so as to gain influence. Whatever the UK does will be as effective as gnats' wings in a hurricane compared to what China alone is doing.

CHINA seems on the point of launching an attack on Taiwan which could start WWIII and kill TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. An official Chinese CCP organization has even threatened Japan with a nuclear attack if Japan comes to the aid of Taiwan, which is a free, democratic and prosperous country facing a hideously nationalistic dictatorship. Does that remind you of something in 1939, when our government was made of sterner stuff than the gutless jellyfish leading us today?

Taiwan does NOT 'belong to China' and we should have recognized it decades ago. Instead we allow China to bully us, having forgotten that giving in to a bully NEVER ends well.

It is not just Taiwan:

  • China is building 300 new coal-fired power-stations in China and in other countries whose regimes it is effectively bribing; it is lying even as it claims to be concerned about global-warming.
  • It is highly likely that COVID19 escaped from one of its germ-warfare labs, just one more plague it has given to the world.
  • It is almost certain that China tried to cover this up through its control of the WHO.
  • And we have not forgotten:
    - the occupation and forced Hanification of Tibet
    - the murder of legitimate protestors in Tiananmen Square
    - the suppression of democratic rights in Hong-Kong after the breaking of the agreement made with the UK
    - the concentration camps in Uighur
    - the gradual takeover of the international islands in the South China Sea
    - the infiltration into western universities and centres of influence
    - the bribing of African dictators to gain influence in their countries

China has no respect for civilized norms we (used to) take for granted in democratic nations. Under its present regime, China is unfortunately the biggest enemy to civilization that the world faces. ONLY a joint approach by all those who cherish freedom will deter it from its lunatic ambitions. Over Taiwan, we should have a "DEFEND TAIWAN ALLIANCE" of NATO, Australia and all the Asian counties affected by China's nationalist expansion in the South China Sea, seizing islands it has NO international right to. THAT'S WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN - but it won't, as the leadership of the Free World is craven sheit.

AND CHINA FACES NO SANCTIONS - YOU DO NOTHING TO DETER IT. Where is the trade embargo, from which they have far more to lose than us? We have sold our soul to the Devil; appeasing and enriching them has not worked. Pathetic - even as their COVID virus devastates the world - and of course as we await possibly MILLIONS more migrants from Hong-Kong, the agreement they made with us not having been honoured. And WHY are British companies still allowed to invest in this monstrous dictatorship? Have you NO sense of morality whatsoEVER?

AFGHANISTAN: Not all your fault, but you hardly come out shining. You seem to have had no influence whatsoever on the USA, which is supposed to be our main ally. The situation there is FAR WORSE than the Suez disaster it is being compared to. But what are you going to do NOW? Ahmad Massoud in the Panjshir valley is reportedly still resisting and has retaken some ground, so are you helping with airdrops of material? Or do you propose to do NOTHING as the Taliban take thousands of hostages in Kabul - and no doubt murder many others they hunt down with the digital information you so kindly left behind so that they can identify government workers? UNBELIEVABLE.

PAKISTAN has massively aided the Taliban to take over, but WHAT SANCTIONS will you impose on that vile Muslim state? I EXPECT NONE AT ALL. But the Taliban are a Crime Against Humanity, and ANY STATE assisting them is complicit. BREAK OFF RELATIONS with Pakistan, Qatar and others - and no doubt Russia and China if they recognize the Taliban. But you won't do it, because you are gutless, like Biden, Macron and Merkel. The Free World is not going to remain free much longer unless we stick together - and stick up for Freedom.

Pakistan ALSO sends us many migrants. Let's play the psychiatrist's "Association Game". If I say "male Pakistani migrant" what's the first thing that comes into your head? (SEE BELOW.) Are we supposed to IGNORE this (as you do) because it is so unpleasant - or because some leftard idiot is going to accuse us of "racism"?

And WHY did this hideous woman

not go to jail for this comment?

If ignoring vile crimes against

children is a requirement of

diversity, then I don't want it.

ISLAM: Like the rest of the Establishment the Tory party is in TOTAL DENIAL. Muslims worship possibly the most vile human ever to walk the planet. He was a narcissistic, delusional, pedophile, misogynist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, bigoted, slave-owning and mass-murdering psychopath whose evil cult has murdered more innocent people than Genghis Khan, the Vikings, Attila the Hun, Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot combined - including 3,000 from 60 nations on 9/11 in the USA. Its creed is VILE (READ THE FFING KORAN FGS). Yet you allow Muslim "FAITH SCHOOLS" to exist in Britain where little children are taught to HATE our culture (and therefore us) and to suck up Muhammed's vile message. STOP THE DENIAL. READ THE KORAN. FGS WAKE UP.

HALAL: I don't know whether to laugh or cry. You campaign against live animal exports from the South-East on the basis that it is cruel, yet you tolerate the vile HALAL meat lunacy (WHAT KIND OF "GOD" WOULD INSIST ON ANIMALS BLEEDING OUT WHEN KILLED?). You do KNOW how HALAL works, do you? Animals stand around and watch as each other's throats are cut, upon which they collapse and bleed to death in front of them. FGS - ANIMALS ARE INTELLIGENT AND SENTIENT CREATURES. This is as vile as what the Taliban, ISIS and other Muslims (DON'T TELL ME THEY ARE NOT 'real' MUSLIMS) do to their enemies - simply slit their throats or behead them in the street (Do you even REMEMBER Private Lee Rigby?) HOW THE HELL CAN YOU ALLOW THIS TO BE LEGAL? Your campaigning against live exports and yet not saying a peep about HALAL is utter hypocrisy - and COWARDICE. Are you AFRAID of Muslim reaction? FGS, being afraid of evil did not make this country what it used to be - the proud defender of Democracy and Human and Animal Rights.

AND THERE’S MORE - The following are all a shambles:

  • the venal and cronified House of Lords (Lords should have been abolished in the Middle Ages FGS)
  • an Islamofawning police force (catastrophically dumbed down in recent years) which no longer investigates most burglaries and is afraid to 'Stop and Search' but is very fast to prosecute anyone who offends a Muslim
  • the horrendous explosion in violent and other crime, especially London
  • the CJS in general: prisons apparently rife with drugs and mobile phones and judges dishing out laughably inappropriate and lenient sentences (any idea of deterrent is LONG gone)
  • the civil service - actively working against the democratic BREXIT vote
  • the BBC - venal, biased and “leftard” beyond belief as it gorges on free money
  • the housing situation (not exactly aided by the ten million or so migrants you have allowed into Britain in recent years)
  • the mismanaged BREXIT; your “deal” is utter nonsense - a poor BRINO in fact
  • the undemocratic voting system and massive postal voting fraud
  • obscene remuneration for university and council leaders
  • the completely insane trans, BLM and woke hysteria which you do NOTHING to counteract

As you will note, I am pretty much in despair as my country sinks further and further into moral and physical decline with the erosion of many beliefs and practices we once held dear and could be proud of.

How can you remain a member of the crapulous Tory Party, which has consistently LIED TO US? IMMIGRATION is perhaps the best example; YOU SAID YOU WOULD REDUCE IT, but there are THOUSANDS ARRIVING ILLEGALLY EACH MONTH who will NEVER BE DEPORTED.

But time after time we see similar nonsense from your party. Cameron said he would implement the referendum decision THE NEXT DAY, yet he immediately resigned, and May waited AN ENTIRE YEAR before even invoking Article 50 to launch the process. And then her “deal” was a hysterically-ridiculous BRINO - so far against really LEAVING as to be treasonous. Johnson took over and it is STILL a huge mess. Where are our fishing rights? Why are we STILL paying millions/billions to the EU? Where is the total bonfire of EU regulations we were promised - well over FIVE YEARS since the referendum?

I don’t know ANYONE who trusts you or will EVER vote for your party again. We pay your salaries, but YOU ARE NOT DELIVERING. This is fraud on a grand scale for which tens of millions will never forgive you.

Yours Sincerely                                                                                                                                                                                    Chris SNUGGS

PS Cameron - are you REALLY
incapable of choosing a leader who is
in touch with the majority of people?
Your election of REMAINER MAY was stupefying. WE VOTED TO LEAVE, but