What is the point of Life?
The first question to ask is "Do you believe in a God?" It has to be "a" God because there are several proposed. 1) "YES": If you DO believe in a God, then the first question is pointless. There is no need to ask it because your chosen God will TELL you what the point is and how to behave, so you do not have to even THINK about the fundamental question at all. THIS IS VERY COMFORTING and is the reason why so many DO choose a God to obey. And once committed to a "God”, ANY BARBARITY can be excused on the grounds that you are simply being obedient. THIS IS THE TOTAL ABDICATION OF FREE WILL. MANY FREEDOMS are forbidden in ISLAM, including the FREEDOM TO THINK RATIONALLY and MORALLY. 2) "NO": The problem starts if you do NOT believe in a God. As there is no entity to TELL you what the point of Life is then you have to decide for yourself - to make a value judgement. This is scary - and problematical, for some might then argue that ANYTHING GOES. However, inspired by the Mammoth in "ICE AGE" who replied "That's what you do in a herd." when asked why he had risked his life to save Syd, the irritating sloth. Well, we humans are a race, a herd. We are genetically almost identical. Living together works best for the majority when people are caring and responsible - so my personal value judgement is that THAT is the point - survive and thrive together - as a team, as indeed a herd. Have you seen how lovingly ELEPHANTS look after their own? The point of life is to look after those in need and do what you can to help them be healthy and happy. Along with that goes the pleasure of raising offspring and watching them grow up ALSO happy and healthy. Then comes the pleasure from sensual experience (food, fresh air, exercise, sex and so on) AND from exploiting our species' innate creativity and joy in beautiful things. This collection of "points" I would define as "The Human Spirit". As it happens, ISLAM by its very creed does not fit into the Human Spirit at ALL. Muslims have abandoned their will to a mythical entity who it is claimed has ordered them to deny most of the features of the Human Spirit as defined above to the point where the MOST devout Muslims are prepared to commit UNIMAGINABLE BARBARITY to carry out the commands of their psychopathic guru Muhammed to "dominate the world". Psychopath? YES. THE ENTIRE KORAN IS FULL OF COMMANDS TO KILL NON-BELIEVERS. Muhammed himself showed the example in AD 26 by ordering, organising and supervising the cold-blooded DECAPITATION of some SEVEN HUNDRED MALE PRISONERS of the defeated Qurayza tribe who had refused to convert to his lunatic cult. And what sort of "God" takes pleasure in torturing humans? WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM? What happened to "Live and let live"? WHAT IS THE POINT OF ISLAM? IT HAS NO RATIONALE, NO SENSE - it is simply STUPID as well as barbaric. If NOBODY on Earth believed in “Allah” WTF DIFFERENCE would it make to an all-powerful entity somewhere in the clouds? And if "Allah" is so powerful, why does he NEED to force misery and torture on humans who do not believe in him? Is his PRIDE offended? Or is he simply mentally all? Or of course he simply does not exist, but is the coward’s way of avoiding having to face the existential nature of our Life, which is that we live, we die - for ever - end of. Accepting this is hard, but denying it is really, really stupid. NONE OF THIS WOULD MATTER IF ISLAM DID NOT CONTINUE TO THIS DAY TO SOW MISERY in MANY countries and deny basic freedoms in MANY OTHERS. The MOST devout Muslim countries are REALLY, REALLY horrible: IRAN, AFGHANISTAN and a good many others. "No Man is an ISLAND." Millions of fellow humans are living in virtual slavery. |